A Winter Life Update

It is pretty well known in the creative industry that sharing pieces of your personal life should be a part of your brand. Sometimes our life feels too boring or messy to be incorporated into this brand (and does anyone really care?) but I'm going to stick with this 2018 resolution and just share a life update with all of ya'll! 

  • Where are all my D.C. friends!?! I was in town for the weekend to have an early galentine's brunch with my girl group and send our Meg out to St. Louis with love. We visited the National Cathedral and I would highly recommend a visit if you're local and haven't been or if you're in town! Pssst... it's free on Sundays!

  • Since we finished our bathroom remodel, I've been itching for another DIY project. I clearly have an addiction. We have a small room next to the bathroom (behind our master bedroom) that we used as the staging area for the bathroom remodel. So, naturally it got quite dirty and some of the walls became scuffed during all of the bathroom work. I'm thinking my next project will be clearing out that room, organizing the closet which is currently shoved full of random stuff and painting the walls. It's the room that we have always assumed would become a nursery one day but that's so far off that painting it feels silly. I think if I do a soft neutral color, it could be a good investment of my time during the slower winter months! If I do start working in there, I'll share ideas and updates on my Insta story!

  • February is a month of nothingness here for us. I don't have a single session *sobs* and I'm using the time to do a lot of design work and editing. I'm spending a ridiculous amount of hours voting for photos in the Shoot & Share Photo Contest. This is my first time entering and you don't get to see how your images did until the entire thing is over in March! There were 412,379 entered into the contest and like I said, you are not able to see how your images are performing/if anyone is voting for them until the whole thing is over. I read that it's really unlikely that you'll see any of your own images during voting but I've seen two of mine so far so I'm really crazy excited about that! Anyone can vote along and it's all completely anonymous. Get lost in pretty images and vote along with me here.



  • Looking ahead, Kyle turns 26 at the beginning of March and then is going to Las Vegas for IBM THINK with his company (unrelated to his birthday but it seems like pretty lucky timing)! I'll be trying to fill my schedule with some passion projects, friend visits and doggie playdates while he is gone. There might be an Instagram giveaway the week of his birthday so stay tuned and make sure you're following me over there!

  • We're also planning for a surprise/secret trip in May... 86 days to be exact. I've dropped a bunch of hints on Instagram and if you're really savvy, I'm sure you know where we're going but I'm excited to eventually share where we're landing for a super quick, hectic, 72 hours. I'm currently conducting an experiment on how small I can pack a parka... suggestions welcome.

Alright, that's my life update for right now! I told you... lacking in excitement! Congrats to you if you stuck with me through all of that. 

PersonalSavannah Smith