Best of Weddings 2019 | Moments Edition

Next up in the Best of Weddings 2019 blog post series is a big post full of laughs, tears and really special moments! From once-in-a-lifetime experiences to really embarrassing toasts… every wedding that I’m able to capture has moments that I’ll never forget. Scroll down to enjoy some of my favorites from 2019!


Tara and "Mike P.” had such a sweet first look but also probably the coldest and the loudest! This February wedding kicked off my 2019 season in Pittsburgh. Right after their first look, while they were sharing a few moments together, a train rolled through. See those box cars rolling by? Don’t be fooled… that train was LOUUUUUD!


Early on in my season, I was wowed by Tim playing and singing a song for Jocelyn at their reception! Nearly the whole room was in tears. Seriously, my couples are so special!


Almost nothing is sweeter than bridesmaids seeing their darling bride for the first time. Both Anna and Brigid’s bridesmaids couldn’t contain their emotions in that moment on their wedding days!

Some of my couples exchange sweet gifts on the wedding day. But only one of my grooms has gifted a Red Bull. Darian packaged up a Red Bull for Anna to open on their wedding day because it’s her go-to game day drink for college football Saturday mornings (and this wedding might as well have been a pre-season college football Saturday just without the football).


Speaking of Anna and Darian… Anna is one of my very best friends and I had the absolute joy of capturing her wedding right alongside Cait Kramer Photography. They had so many hilarious and sweet moments on their wedding day. From sharing another game day morning tradition instead of a unity candle (an Arnold Palmer mixing), some epic cake smashing, a perfect Jimmy Buffet mother-son dance, an emotional ceremony and a fun reception with some mildly embarrassing toasts, just scroll down for some of my many favorite snaps from their wedding day.

All of my couples are so, so special to me but it’s not often you get to capture a wedding for your close friends or… your cousin…! I was lucky enough to do both in the same year! Dakota and Amelia’s day was SO. MUCH. FUN. and it was an honor to be able to shoot it!


I mean, just look at their friend’s faces! 😂


Their dogs, Decklin and Lakelyn, were big stars. Decklin layed on Amelia’s veil during the ceremony and kept rolling in it. It was hard to pay attention to the pastor!


Any wedding with a dog is a win in my book. Kelly’s dog, Lady, totally crashed her first look with Casey and not a single person was upset about it!

And at Katherine and Brad’s wedding, their doggo, Desi, was the ring bearer and then was absolutely thrilled for his moment with mom and dad for photos!

Katherine and Brad had the most memorable and unique reception space of my 2019 season and honestly I’d love to go back to the Fleisher Art Memorial riiiight now. They shared their first dance in a church sanctuary that’s served as a classroom, exhibition space, workshop area and so much more for a non-profit that has served underprivileged communities through art for many decades! HOW. COOL.


Ahhh… doesn’t everyone love a good first dance?!

My couple’s parents play a huge role in their lives and I love the ways that they honor and thank them on their wedding days! Between walking them down the aisle, special dances and involving their parents in their ceremonies… I loved these sweet parent moments in 2019!

It wouldn’t be an SSP wedding roundup post if I didn’t mention some of the sweetest first looks that I captured this year! Liz was crying before she even walked up to her first look with Allen. She so very sweetly asked that I not leave her alone while we organized the moment. She was so giddy and nervous (from joy of course)!


Jocelyn and Tim’s is one I won’t soon forget. He nuzzled right into her, pulling her in close and he held onto her for such a long time. It was the sweetest moment!


Just a few days later, Chloe and Josh shared a really similar, extremely personal first look too! Watching them collectively exhale their stress and anxiety of the morning and settle into their joyous roles as bride and groom was really amazing. They described their love to me as “effortless” and I can definitely see that.


And then Brigid and Steve… oh wow. They are such low-key, cool people that I wasn’t sure what to expect in the way of emotion but ohhhh my goodness even I was crying watching Steve’s sweet response to seeing his bride!


I may or may not be crying while I pull this post together because it’s just so pure and sweet. To top that moment off, just a few minutes before I had captured one of my favorite images of 2019. Typically I keep first looks completely private between the couple - I want them to feel free to express their emotions without an audience (and I hope that they forget that we’re there capturing it). But Brigid and her sister, Kerry, have one of the most incredible relationships and it was important to Brigid that Kerry came as emotional support in that anxious moment. As I was following them off of the trolley and down to the garden where we had Steve positioned, I snapped this candid moment.


And then there’s Janet. She is HANDS DOWN my most joyful bride of the year. While all of the women who allow me to capture their day are happy and fun… this babe is effervescent in every way, every minute. Her first look with Brendan says it all!


My couples wouldn’t have nearly as fun of a day without their professional hype people. The support systems that surround these brides and grooms make the days so, so fun!

Personally, one of the moments that really struck me this year was watching Kelsey, in her gigantic Cinderella gown, walk down the grand staircase at the Grand Floridian before her reception at Epcot. I had the opportunity to capture a Disney wedding with Caity and it was totally pinch-me surreal. I grew up coming to Disney World regularly and it’s one of my favorite places so to be photographing that moment was really special for me.


If there is a time that I’m going to cry on someone else’s wedding day… it’s the ceremony. Usually in the first moments when the officiant talks about what a wonderful blessing it is to be invited to celebrate this couple and what a privilege it is to be asked to be there. I am so damn lucky.


And what would a best moments blog post be if I didn’t mention the embarrassing speeches and toasts part of the day. The revelations and off-the-cuff storytelling might sometimes be cringeworthy but the reactions are priceless!

Cheers to a fabulous year of memorable moments!

Some images captured by Cait Kramer Photography for Savannah Smith Photography.
Select images captured by me while working for Cait Kramer Photography.