BIG NEWS! | Charleston Giveaway

Savannah Smith Photography and Cait Kramer Photography are giving away a couple's portraiture session in Charleston, South Carolina! 

If you follow me on social media, you probably recognize the name Caity (and her business, Cait Kramer Photography). Caity and I met in college when she was just a wee baby freshman and I was the old almost-out-in-the-scary-real-world senior. Her talent behind a camera and in front of people has blown me away. I envy her uncanny ability to remember everyone's name, her height (girlfriend has a natural step stool), her ridiculous ways of getting people to feel comfortable enough to giggle their way through portrait sessions and her compassion. I am embarrassingly protective of her, ridiculously proud of her and overjoyed at where life has taken us over the last few years. Honestly, I'm so blessed to have Caity in my life. Ok. Enough feels. 

You may have heard... but Caity and I are headed to Charleston for just a weekend and we're really, really, ridiculously excited about it. I pretty much just told her we were going and I'm not surprised but she didn't protest at all! * wink wink *  I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to most but I know that Moana car ride sing-a-longs, beautifully romantic homes, cobblestone streets and a killer margarita await us. We're using this time to recharge and inspire ourselves to dig deep and plan for what we really want from our businesses and our lives in 2018 and beyond. We'll be asking the tough questions of ourselves and just using the endless gorgeousness of the city to help spark inspiration for growth and change. 

2017 has been hard - personally and professionally. But it has also been so good to us! I think it's fitting to spend time together inspiring both growth and gratitude. 

While we're there, we decided to give away a session to a special couple on Saturday, December 16th! Just one session. Just one couple. Two photographers. YOU'RE READING THAT RIGHT! We are GIVING AWAY A SESSION! The giveaway opens today and closes on Sunday, November 19th. We're so excited to connect with a local couple or meet two fantastic people who travel in to work with us.

Caity will be directing the couple at one location for half of the session while I shoot behind the scenes and secondary images. Then, I'll swap with her and work with the couple for the other half of the session at a different location! This pair will get so many images and I'm so excited for them... and maybe a wee bit jealous! 

You can read all of the details, learn more about both of us and enter on our giveaway page at One winning couple will be chosen on Monday, November 20, 2017 and will be notified via email! 

Share this with your Charleston friends! We cannot wait to read all about you in your entries. It's such a joy for us to meet new people and we are so thrilled to be able to make this giveaway possible! 

Savannah Smith