Spring Chester County Maternity Portraits | Cherrel + Dan


I connected with Cherrel and Dan through another one of my favorite maternity clients, Lauren and Brian and it was so, so sweet to have such a meaningful referral. Capturing the time before a couple welcomes their first child is a really big honor and next to weddings, maternity photos may be one of my favorite things to shoot.

Cherrel and Dan met me in Chester County on what started out as a humid and dreary morning after a lot of rain. But by the time we finished out session, the sun had come out in full force. I loved learning about what makes these two special as a couple and what will make them really amazing as parents! They had me laughing a lot - which is the best kind of session!

But here’s the kicker… these two MOVED INTO THEIR NEW HOME just hours after our session! Talk about BUSY! I’m so excited for Cherrel, Dan and their baby boy who will arrive in just a few short weeks. Enjoy some of my favorites from their springtime session.