Dakota + Amelia | PROPOSAL

A few weeks ago, my cousin, Dakota, texted me... telling me he was going to propose!!!!! To be honest, I knew it was coming but I wasn't sure when. He had the ring, he was ready and he didn't want to wait until their vacation in December. 

His girlfriend, Amelia, is just the absolute sweetest. She is kind, down-to-earth, loves animals and just fit into our crazy family so seamlessly. We all love her to pieces! They recently bought a house not too long after Kyle and I bought ours and my schedule has been so insane that I wasn't able to attend their housewarming. 

Coincidentally, I was going to be passing Dakota and Amelia's place on my way home from last Saturday's wedding! The perfect cover! I was going to swing by to see their new place on my way home and because I had all of my gear with me... why not capture a few fall photos! Just a normal thing for the photographer in the family to do, right?

Well. It rained. It poured. Seriously, it was a soppy soggy mess of a day. So we knew picture time was going to take all of 30 seconds and would have to be confined to their porch. When I arrived, I got a quick tour of the house, we exchanged hugs and we headed out to the porch for a few photos. 

Only a few seconds in, I outfitted their dog, Decklin, with a sign that read - "Mommy, will you marry Daddy?" and turned him around to face his parents! Amelia was shaking and shocked and of course said YES!!!! Welcome to the fam, Amelia! xoxo

Savannah Smith