Hunting Hill Mansion Engagement | Janet + Brendan


Am I allowed to play favorites? Probably not. But. Listen, this engagement session and this couple were such a dream to shoot and work with that I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of my favorites. Hunting Hill Mansion provided the perfect backdrop for Janet and Brendan’s engagement session on a warm summer evening!

I met up with them on Memorial Day Weekend to capture these portraits ahead of their October wedding in D.C. and I had so much fun getting to know them, chatting about their wedding and capturing their sweet interactions. I love how fun and outgoing these two are. I knew I could be a little bit of my loud, weird self around them and that we would all get along just wonderfully. They have a beautiful wedding planned for The Congressional Club in Washington D.C. later this fall and I cannot wait to capture it!

But for now, enjoy some of my favorite shots from their Hunting Hill Mansion engagement session!