Longwood Gardens Summer Evening Engagement Session | Kelly + Casey


Kelly and Casey are just so, so sweet. I met up with them at Longwood Gardens to spend a part of the evening capturing their engagement images and we used every ounce of daylight (because I just so loved photographing them)! The heatwave had just broken and apparently Longwood had been empty for a few days so of course, on this random Thursday evening, it’s more packed than I’ve seen it in literally months. Instead of being elbow-to-elbow with other guests in the conservatory we spent the majority of our time together in the stunningly gorgeous Flower Garden Walk with the crepe myrtles which are a personal favorite of mine.

We talked about what is in store for their October wedding (yes… it’s coming up so soon), their next adventure into homeownership and their love of traveling.

Kelly is a bubbly Spanish teacher who loves the color green and Casey has the perfect chill personality to be her other half. They are planning a super fun and down-to-earth celebration of marriage in just a few short weeks and I know it’s going to come together beautifully.

Enjoy some of my favorites from Kelly and Casey’s sunset Longwood Gardens engagement session!