My Favorite Chester County Portrait Locations

After living in a few different areas of the state, my husband, Kyle, and I have settled down in Chester County, Pennsylvania when we bought our first house. We absolutely love the beautiful rolling hills, the stunning expansive farms and yet the fantastic access to all the things. But one of my favorite parts of ChesCo is the plentiful spots for really beautiful photos!

Whether it’s for anniversaries, engagements, children or family portraits… I have a few favorite spots in our area to take clients for their sessions!

Springton Manor Farm

A historic park and farm that is open to the public, Springton Manor is one of my absolute favorite places to shoot. From their website, “Within Springton’s historic landscape of fenced fields, stone walls and misty morning vistas is a preserved patchwork of colonial plantation, Industrial Revolution era scientific farm, Victorian tenant farm, and gentleman’s country estate. The Manor House and Carriage House overlook 300 acres of centuries-old sugar maples, open pastures and stately Penn Oaks, which grace the lower pond." The manor house serves as a stunning wedding venue too!


Longwood Gardens

I don’t think Longwood needs an explanation. Wether it’s inside the conservatory or on their expansive grounds, if I could shoot at Longwood Gardens every single day, I would be overjoyed to. It is hands down my local favorite.


Wolf’s Hollow County Park

This park is a personal favorite for our family! Butters loves taking long walks at this beautiful, expansive park with over 10 miles of paved trails and lots of diverse areas! It’s very dog friendly, there are gorgeous views around every corner at this 569 acre rustic space.


Valley Forge National Historic Park

So, technically, Valley Forge is split between Chester and Montgomery counties. Before we bought our house and moved to Chester County, we lived just around the corner from this park in MontCo. Of course, even if you only know a tiny little bit about American history, you know that Valley Forge was the site of the 1777 - 1778 winter encampment of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. About 12,000 soldiers camped here and upwards of 2,000 lost their lives that winter due to an ongoing supply line crisis leading to malnutrition and disease combined with the cold. Ok. Sorry. HISTORY TANGENT! The park is split between two counties but the part of the park where I like to shoot the most is actually in Chester County so I’m not totally cheating for this blog post. Though the whole space is stunning! We do sometimes miss our old neighborhood because of how nice it was to be able to visit Valley Forge.
