Business & Photography Software That I Can't Live Without

I often get asked "how do you [insert photography related business task here]?" and honestly, I'm all about GOOD SYSTEMS! There are some tools that I totally cannot live without that make my life a million times easier. Whether you’re a creative business owner or a wedding or portrait photographer, you can benefit from making small investments into working smarter, not harder!

All of these are “must haves” for me that I use almost daily!

Here are my favorite business and photography programs:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (I have the Lightroom + Photoshop subscription)

  • Photo Mechanic (I use this exclusively for culling and it’s by far the fastest, most efficient way to cull RAW files)

  • BlogStomp (My wedding and engagement session blogs would take houuuuurs to pull together if it wasn’t for how easily Blogstomp makes collages)

  • AlbumStomp (Same company, same magical software but for album design this time)

  • Tailwind (The only easy way to manage a business on Pinterest)

  • Planoly (The easy way that I schedule my Instagram content in advance)

  • And of course… Shootproof! (Client galleries, invoicing, contracts, product ordering and so much more… I LOVE YOU SHOOTPROOF)