The Beard Dellingers | Grow With Me Sessions

I love pulling together these blog posts after a family completes a Grow With Me collection because they’re inevitably emotional for me to look through! I am so incredibly lucky to be trusted to document all of these important life milestones - but especially the birth of a child and her first year!

I’ve been working with Lauren and Kyle for… a really long time. I’ve been so lucky to grow closer and closer to Lauren as a friend and now be able to ask her motherhood questions and watch her parent her beautiful daughter. Wella is a constant source of entertainment and joy for me and I often will ask for my daily dose of Welly via pictures!

Wella Nightingale was born just before the COVID-19 pandemic began so when I captured her newborn session I was one of the only people who was able to meet her and hold her before the country shut down. Being able to end our 14 month session a few days ago by hugging her… I can’t even describe how great that felt (selfishly!!!) because we are vaccinated and were outdoors. So much has changed in a year, including little baby Wella!

L, K, W… thank you for the privilege of saving these little memories for you!

Enjoy scrolling through my favorites from my sessions with Lauren, Kyle and Wella from 34 weeks pregnant to 14 months old!

The Grow With Me Bundle is an incredible way to document your child’s first year of life, huge family milestones, a pregnancy and birth or your family throughout the seasons. With the bundle, when booking 4 sessions in 12 months, the 4th is free! Reach out today to book your Grow With Me bundle!