What Do I Keep In My Vendor Apron?

If you watch my Instagram stories or follow the blog and read the yearly Behind the Scenes posts… you may have noticed that I wear an apron on most wedding days!

I have a custom short half apron from Oatmeal Lace Designs that is embroidered with the crest part of my logo. It has three fabulous pockets and was customized with pink ribbon.

I wear the apron so that I don’t have to worry about choosing an outfit with pockets or carrying my heavy camera bag everywhere. The apron allows me to set my camera bag down and wander away from it while I’m shooting! So, what do I keep in the apron?

  • My cell phone

  • Peppermint essential oil (I prefer this one)

  • Paper copies of the wedding day timeline and family formal portrait list

  • A pen (or two)

  • Memory cards

  • An extra battery or two

  • Lens wipes

  • Bobby pins and safety pins

  • Chapstick

  • A quick snack like a protein bar

  • Mints

  • Bandaid blister guards and tissues

  • Plus, anything the bride, groom or wedding party ask me to hold!

My photog (and real life) bestie, Caity, got an apron first and inspired me to pull the trigger and get one myself. And I love it! It’s well worth the investment.
