Who Should Be At Your First Look?

One of the most common questions that I get asked at weddings is, “Can I come watch?” in regards to a couple sharing a first look. Whether it’s the parents, siblings or bridesmaids, everyone wants to come watch the first look.

And I almost always say… no.


One of my jobs as a wedding photographer is to stand up for my couple. I am there to represent their best interests and ensure that they have the best day possible.

If they have chosen to share a first look, it may be the only alone time that they get together on a wedding day. Couples choose to see each other privately first for that reason… the privacy.

My team and I give instructions and tell the couple to react as much or as little as they want to. We don’t encourage or pressure any tears or cheers. We want our couples to feel like they are free to be themselves. Once we’ve given our basic instructions, we back up as far as we can realistically go to give the couple privacy (often choosing to shoot these with long lenses). We don’t talk, we don’t yell instructions, we don’t change or interfere with the moment at all.

Every once in a while I have a couple with a unique circumstance and a bride who has asked for someone to come to provide her moral support. Often it’s a twin or a super close sister. I rarely allow parents to participate in that moment. When there is an extra person, I ask them to please stand off to the side and limit their reaction - silence is best, honestly!

When other people come to watch a first look they tend to put extra pressure on the couple just by being in the same space. It’s hard. It’s a very emotional, once-in-a-lifetime moment and I feel very passionately that the couple should not feel burdened by witnesses.