Wildwood Park Summer Engagement | Amelia + Dakota

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I only have two first cousins and one is only ten years old so I don't think I'll be shooting her wedding any time soon. πŸ˜‚ The other one is engaged to be married next summer to a gorgeous and smart woman. I'm so excited to feature Amelia and Dakota on the blog this morning! Dakota and I are only a few years apart and grew up together so naturally just thinking that next year we'll now both be married is weeeeiiiirrrrrdddd. When did we get so old?!

These two should get an award because it was HOT for this session... I mean really stinkin' hot. It was around 89 degrees with over 90% humidity making it feel like you could basically drink the air. But they rocked it! Even their best puppers handled the heat really well and broke out his best poses for our session - he's the goodest boy. << *read in dog mom voice*

I'm so excited to officially welcome Amelia to the family when they exchange vows next September at her family's property. It was so fun to capture these engagement photos for them and I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from Amelia and Dakota's summertime session at Wildwood Park.