Yes, Your Wedding Dress Will Get Dirty

At every wedding I shoot, when I take the bride outside for portraits, I say the same thing…

We are going to do everything we can to keep your dress clean and wrinkle free but I need you to know now that it will get dirty. Even the cleanest floors have some sort of dirt or dust that will show on the inside of your hem and between dancing and portraits outside, yes… it will get dirty. We’ll make sure that it looks perfect for your ceremony but by the end of the night, it’s going to have a dirty hem. You can very easily and affordably have it professionally cleaned and it will look good as new! Okay?


I don’t say this to freak out my brides.
In fact, I do it to prevent them from freaking out.


Some brides have a very difficult time with the idea that their beautiful white dress might get a bit dirty. The insides of the white hems and the inside of the train do tend to pick up dust, dirt and grass stains depending on where the couple is walking and how much.

I think it’s so much better to start the day knowing that you might have some dark grey hems by the end of the night than to anticipate your gown remaining spotless and having a total panic attack the first time you notice that it’s a tad bit dirty.

It’s nearly impossible to keep it looking spotless… it’s white! Of course, we’ll do absolutely everything in our power to prevent any spots from appearing on your dress where others could see it but that hem… don’t panic when you lift it up later and it’s dingy.

I want brides to know and understand that while your dress probably cost a small fortune, you bought it to be able to wear it. Don’t keep yourself from being fully present and experiencing your wedding day for fear that you’ll dirty your dress. DANCE, TWIRL, ENJOY.