6 Things I'm Loving Right Now

This post does not contain any affiliate links because I’m just not that cool. You can trust that I’m sharing these things with you simply because I love them right now!

The COVID-19 pandemic may affect the availability or usability of these items temporarily.


I have a quick and easy little blog post to share with you today! Here are six things that I’m loving right now!

ONE: These leggings are so darn soft, they come in a bunch of colors and they’re super affordable! I’ve been living in them and may or may not have more than 5 pairs.

TWO: For Christmas, my mom got us an America The Beautiful National Parks Annual Pass. It’s such a smart investment if you plan to visit several of our wonderful National Parks. Kyle and I are still brainstorming how we want to make the most of ours this year!

THREE: I have no idea why I avoided this for so long. I have never spent a ton of money on makeup and if I can’t get it at Target, I probably won’t buy it. I’m not an Ulta or Sephora shopper. Yes, yes I know how dumb this is and I know that I need to fix it. Well, my first change was Shape Tape. This stuff works and is worth all of the hype. It’s the only concealer that I’ve found that really works.

FOUR: I love hard boiled eggs but I’m terrible at making them. We use this egg cooker weekly to make hard boiled and soft boiled eggs. It can also make omelettes and poached eggs really easily. It’s essentially a 2 step process and the little cooker knows exactly how long it takes to cook your eggs perfectly.

FIVE: If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I got the flu and then a sinus infection back to back in February. I immediately started taking these elderberry supplements that were highly recommended by friends and family alike. I love them already!

SIX: This precious babe was one of my Christmas presents. I needed a new carry on suitcase so, so badly and I’m very thrilled with my Away! AND… it’s pink!