Chester County Colorful Backyard Wedding | Laura + Kevin


Laura and Kevin are another one of my dear sweet couples who were affected by COVID-19. Their grand, romantic, seaside Irish wedding has been indefinitely postponed but these two didn’t want to wait another minute to be married to each other.

And then Mother Nature laughed.

After they developed a contingency plan to share their vows in a backyard wedding until their Irish wedding could happen, Hurricane Laura rolled up the East Coast (yep… Hurricane LAURA…) and postponed their celebration again.

My heart broke for them over and over again but we were all confident that their day would EVENTUALLY happen and IT DID! On September 26, 2020, Laura and Kevin tied the knot in front of a few socially-distanced family and friends in her parent’s back yard with dozens more loved ones on ZOOM! With the help of some fabulous vendors, their day looked and felt incredibly THEM (as well as beautiful and safe).

Best wishes, Mr. Byrne and Mrs. Kennedy Byrne! I’m so happy this day finally happened for you.

Friends, please enjoy just a few of my favorites from Laura and Kevin’s backyard wedding!

PHOTOGRAPHY: Savannah Smith Photography | BOUQUET: Flowers by Jena Paige | BALLOON DECOR: Whimsy and Wild