The Wootens | Heirloom Parenthood Collection


Melissa and Zach… I honestly don’t have enough words to describe what this little family means to me and to SSP. They were one of my very first wedding clients and they trusted me to capture their special day. Gosh, I wish I could do it all over again knowing what I know now but without couples like the Wootens, I wouldn’t be the photographer I am today!

I remember when Zach emailed me to let me know that he was engaged (we went to high school together and he’s literally always been THE. NICEST. HUMAN. BEING.) and I was sooooo happy for him. I knew whoever he had chosen to spend forever with had to be an incredibly special person. I actually didn’t meet Melissa until their wedding day and this girl… she trusted me, she talked with me so sweetly and with so much grace and love.

Melissa is a cancer survivor and on her wedding day she confidently rocked the coolest pixie haircut and a beautiful flower crown - and working with her gave me the experience and confidence to serve another bride battling cancer very recently. Like I said, they mean a lot to me AND my business. They are both truly, I’m not exaggerating, such special souls.

Fast forward and I got another email from Zach in 2018 letting me know that Melissa was pregnant and while they hadn’t shared the news yet, they wanted to get on my calendar. I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THEM!

We documented Melissa’s 34th week of pregnancy, the first few days of having Jeremiah here earth-side and at home, Jeremiah’s 6 month birthday and finally his one year photos! I loooove seeing the progression of these images all together. Jeremiah is a very loved, super cute little boy with super awesome parents!

Enjoy some of my favorites from The Wooten’s four Heirloom Parenthood sessions!