Valley Forge National Historic Park Engagement | Alyssa + Chris


It was so nice to finally meet Alyssa and Chris in person after many months of working together! We had the absolute most weather for their engagement session at Valley Forge National Historic Park. I met them well before sunset and by the time we pulled out of the parking lot at the end of session, it was dark! OOPS! It’s hard to describe how wonderful it is to connect with couples who you can just click with so easily!

They are just so sweet and we actually all went to the same high school (they’re much younger than me!!) so we had a lot to talk about! Alyssa has gotten Chris into skiing and they were in Park City, Utah when my husband and I were in California and the outbreak of COVID-19 really hit the national news outlets. Despite having to postpone our session several times, we were able to meet up to document their engagement!

I am really looking forward to their October wedding at Chesapeake Bay Beach Club but in the meantime, enjoy some of my favorites from their engagement session!